Monday, December 31, 2007


Back in Action!!!

I can't think of any other better ways other than to blog. hahaha!!!

I have decided to spend more time on blogging and making my blogs look nice nice.
Hopefully still got people come and read!!

My brother is quite an inspiration recently. Inspired me to work hard and built up my career.

Tiredness is just the devil's lies. I don't believe that I have to be tired all the time. Its just an excuse for me not to do any work.

Anyway, today's service was very good. Talking about CHANGE.
"When change is necessary, no change is destructive." I've decided to change from my old ways. Change from the always easily agitated person to a infinitely gentle person.
Change from a lazy person to motivated person.
Change from an unspiritual person to a spiritual person.

Changes are good. So I'm going to change from a person who blogs only once every 3 months to a person who blogs at least once every two weeks.

So guys,


I wish all of you a very happy New Year 2008!!!


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