Monday, January 22, 2007


My Amazing God

This is the 3rd week of 2007 and God is just so amazing every single day.

This year is my 9th year being a Christian, but I've never experienced God in such an amazing way before.

Previously, I only experience God within the four walls of the church. Now, I'm experiencing God everywhere I go. EVERYWHERE!

Believe it or not! I just can't stop being amazed by Him. He's doing a work in my life. I think He HAS DONE a work in my life. I'm in awe. God is really BIG!

I wish I can blog every little thing that happened throughout these few weeks. But its just too many. Ever since Adam and Eve reunited, God has become even more real to me. And I love Him more than ever before.

Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now. Its an experience. You probably can't experience it if I share it with you. You got to experience it yourself.

Woah!!! AMAZING... This is the season for me to be amazed by God and to know that my God is an amazing God. I wonder if there's a stronger word than just "amaze".


Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Growth and Maintenance

Well, I'm still the Queen (of the bus) and I love King Adam.


Before I talk about that, I just want to encourage all my friends to start having the habit of thinking. Eph 3:20 says, "God can do above and beyond what you can THINK or IMAGINE..." It is always true for me.

I'm always thinking of things. Anything and everything. And I realised that everytime I start using my brain to think, God speaks to me. Some of my archived entries talked about my revelation when I travel on the bus. Those were times when I was thinking in my mind.

Start thinking about God. Think about your life. Think about yourself (personality etc). Think about some people. Think about events. Think about the future. Think about the past. Just keep thinking.

That's also the reason why I'm gonna talk about "Growth and Maintenance".

These two come together hand in hand. There are some areas which I'm gonna share.

Firstly, the area of relationships. Whether with God or with people, growth comes with maintenance. It takes hard work. It takes faith. It takes hope and it takes love. Maintenance is a conscious effort. It is a continuous action. And growth follows when you begin to maintain your relationship with God and with people.

Example, maintain your prayer life. Read the bible daily. Then you grow in knowledge of Christ and you grow in maturity in the spirit.
Next example, maintain contact with people around you. The more you talk to a person, the closer the two will become. The more you share your life with someone, the more you grow into a person you are made to be.

Secondly, the area of finances. Don't stop giving and don't stop saving up. Maintain that faith in you when you give your tithes and offerings. Maintain that trust in God. Saving up is a habit. Maintain that habit of saving up! Start blessing others. It helps in maintaining relationships. The more you start to give, the more you begin to receive. You reap what you sow. Maintain that act of sowing.

So friends, if you want growth in your life, start doing the maintenance work!


Monday, January 01, 2007


2007 - A year of GROWTH + FRUITFULNESS


He's officially crowned as the King. On 1st Jan 2007, 1230am.

It was a good new start for the year. We are gonna experience lots of changes, but we trust that God will be faithful enough to bring us through all the good times and the bad times. Afterall, He is in control.

Good things are already happening. The year will go by with better things and greater things.

Thank You Jesus!

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