Thursday, November 24, 2005


GOD HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Tuesday, November 22, 2005



Below are the items I got for my birthday:

1) Micheal Bolton Vintage album (from cg)
2) Make Up kit (from sister)
3) Keyboard (from auntie)
4) Ang Bao $50 (from mum)

Yay! God is so good!

And the latest song I wrote is gonna be recorded as demo and sent out to record labels! God is good!

Exams have started and I believe its only the beginning of great things to happen! God is SO good!

Eze 1:12
And each one went straight forward; they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and they did not turn when they went.

Talking about the four living creatures that Ezekiel saw in his vision. Speaks of each one of us being like each one of them, having four different faces (that's another sermon). This verse caught my attention because it says that they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and they DID NOT turn when they went.

How many times have we turned away from God because something distracted us or because things didn't seem to go right? It reminds me that I must never stray away no matter what happens, whether good or bad. Just in line with the message on focus that Pst Kong preached last weekend. Simple, but powerful and hard to do.

Eze 1:14
And the living creatures ran back and forth, in appearance ilke a flash of lightning.

Because they follow the spirit wherever the spirit went, they have the glory. I also want the glory of God. So I must obey the word of the Spirit. Yield to the Holy Spirit. Where He goes, I must go also.

How wonderful is the truth of God. Without these words, how can one survive the dreadful things of this world? Without these words, how would one learn to appreciate the beauty of this world?


Thursday, November 17, 2005


Birthday WishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhES!!!!!!!!!!

Below is the list. I wanted to blog this down long ago. But always had to have something to happen for me to forget to blog. But here it is. :D

1) Guitar ($600-$700)
2) Keyboard ($300-$400)
3) Get B and above for all my papers for AY2005/2006 Sem 1
4) Tops (nice, formal, not-too-casual, not-so-dull)
5) NO SKIRTS (this is my message to n250 in case any of them do something silly)
6) Make up kit (useful, but I dunno how to use at the moment)
7) Cake (I love chocolate cakes, but please don't buy me chocolate cakes with too much chocolate or whipped cream or anything fattening. Thanks!)
8) Birthday Card (with heartfelt words of blessings in it)
9) Worship Album (any will do, try not to buy united live ones.. :))
10) Micheal Bolton Vintage Album (I think the songs are really nice)
11) Ang bao (>$50 if possible)
12) A treat to a whole day of KTV (I don't mind if its on my birthday itself. Otherwise after my exams.)

That's all folks! I'll add on if I thought of any more.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Jesus is my Friend

Long time no blog! Haha!

Will blog about 2006 when my exams are over. Today I'll be blogging on the topic "Friends".

Throughout my life, I've made many friends. Good and bad ones.

Can't really say they are bad. Just that we don't get along the way we ideally should.

Anyway, ever since I became a Christian, I struggle even more in this area of making friends. Probably because I had a failed friendship when I was young. To make things worse, those people whom I think can be close with and grow together in the Lord with, backslided and totally ignored God because of me. I didn't feel betrayed, but I felt really sorry. Sorry for myself and sorry for my friends.

Because of so many such incidents, I eventually felt that I'm not worthy to ever be able to make any close friends like how Jiahui is close to Eunice. Generally I began to adopt a "heck care" attitude towards making friends. The outcome was that I was unable to build strong relationships with my cell group members when I was rising up as a leader. So the result was... I'm still a member in a cell group.

These two years, I began to see that God didn't put me on this earth to have friends. But I am to be a friend to the people around me. That's how Jesus loved us even when we didn't love Him. Jesus was a friend to us even when we didn't realise it. Instead of me asking from people, my purpose on earth is to give to people. Because of my giving, I believe that I'm making friends worthy of my love.

Living in this broken world means nothing is absolute. Only the One in heaven is absolute. God is our absolute Father God, and Jesus is our absolute Jesus friend. Because now I'm secure in Christ, I know that even when friends are not there for me, Jesus my friend will be there for me. Jesus is forever there, forever alive. Men are but for a moment. Friends are not forever. God places friends around us for a season to build us, edify us, mould us, support us. After which we have to move on to make other friends - To build them up, and be built up to the next level.

Don't be disappointed if a friend let you down. Love them still. Pray for them. Bless them. Our lives are built up not because there are close friends around us. Our lives are built up because GOD placed friends in our lives. Ultimately, God is the One working in our lives. Not us nor our friends.

Despite saying all these, I must tell all my readers that I love you and I will always love you because Jesus loved me. :)

Have a great day!

Thursday, November 10, 2005



Alright. Its only 9 Nov 2005. BUT I'M SO EXCITED FOR 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its gonna be exciting!!! The more I talk about it, the more excited I get.

Please... HELP ME TO CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I pray that it'll not just be excitement, but let it be a commitment that I make to God!

2006... Here I come!!!!

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