Monday, January 22, 2007


My Amazing God

This is the 3rd week of 2007 and God is just so amazing every single day.

This year is my 9th year being a Christian, but I've never experienced God in such an amazing way before.

Previously, I only experience God within the four walls of the church. Now, I'm experiencing God everywhere I go. EVERYWHERE!

Believe it or not! I just can't stop being amazed by Him. He's doing a work in my life. I think He HAS DONE a work in my life. I'm in awe. God is really BIG!

I wish I can blog every little thing that happened throughout these few weeks. But its just too many. Ever since Adam and Eve reunited, God has become even more real to me. And I love Him more than ever before.

Words can't describe how I'm feeling right now. Its an experience. You probably can't experience it if I share it with you. You got to experience it yourself.

Woah!!! AMAZING... This is the season for me to be amazed by God and to know that my God is an amazing God. I wonder if there's a stronger word than just "amaze".


Wow! Sounds like God is really good! Hee...
But I don't understand.. Ha, maybe when u are free can blog some of the things that have been happening. =)
And.. 9 years in church!!! That is hmm.. long... =b
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