Monday, March 27, 2006


N250 Chalet 2006

Finally got the 'F' to update my blog.

Just had a great time at chalet with my cell group. It was a very simple gathering, but I felt really good about it.

Firstly, I want to thank Jason for allowing me to drive his pretty new Volkswagon van. Its a pretty stable vehicle and I got used to it in just a short while. Only hit the curb twice lah. Haha! But those were misjudgments. I WILL GET BETTER! Really considering getting a van either this year or next year. *prays*

Anyway, n250 guys can COOK!!! Jason, Uncle Da, Kynneth. And Ivan is a GREAT helper in the kitchen! Interesting eh... Girls in n250 will get fat because of them. That's not so good though. Haha!!

We played mahjong. We didn't play bridge AT ALL! And I was so so so looking forward to it. Mahjong was quite fun but addictive. No money was involved. Can you imagine if money was involved? I think it'll be even more addicting.

Once upon a time, when I get together with my cell group to sing and play guitar, we only sing mostly praise and worship songs. But we enjoyed ourselves very much then. (It was a totally different cell group.) This time at chalet, we sang a mixture of praise and worship and chinese/english pop! WoW! God is really good.

Let me tell you why.

Beginning of this year, I prayed to God and asked Him to bring people who has the same interest as me, to me. Then He brought Yong Guang and Malcolm. It was amazing because one or two weeks after I prayed that, Yongguang just called me to tell me that he got into the semi-finals of his school's singing competition. Its amazing because we didn't contact each other for more than a year. Just greeted each other in church once in a while. And now, I have people in my cell group who sings secular pop songs and plays guitar too. God is a good God. And I happen to get to know more people who likes to write and sing God's songs. God is GOOD!

So we sang and played guitar during chalet. Like a mini concert. Haha!! It was fun!!

I pray that God will bless N250 in a great great way this year. In relationships, in finances and in spirituality.


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