Sunday, October 02, 2005


A piece of puzzle

I wanna share a part of my life story with all my readers here.

Learning how to submit is an ongoing process in my life. God has been really patient with me. I spent many years realising again and again what's submitting to leadership. And I had to go through 10,000 unhappy things to know how to submit to leadership.

God honours men and women who submits to their leaders.

If we can't even submit to human beings, how are we going to submit to God who is more almighty than any man on earth?

Submitting to our leaders means that we have to follow whatever they say. Doesn't mean we have to agree with them. Doesn't mean we have to support them. It means that when things happen, we must be with them. We musn't oppose them. We musn't defend ourselves. We must be an armourbearer.

Submitting to our leaders means that we are always their followers. It means that we are their servants. We must serve them with a willing attitude and a right heart. Whether we think they are right or wrong, we must be on their side. Only then can God entrust us with greater things.

Submitting to our leaders means trusting our leaders. We must learn to understand their intentions. I thank God that I'm in City Harvest Church because I can really entrust my life to the leaders in the church. I've had many clashes with my previous leaders. But at the end of the day, the only thing I got was that they love God and they love us. No matter how unhappy I was with them, they never compromised the standards of God.

Submitting to our leaders means to be after their hearts. We can never think that we know them all too well. We do really do know them very well, we can be leaders ourselves and lead our own cell groups. But we are only members. There must be a reason why they are leaders and we are not. So we can only be AFTER their hearts and not think that we KNOW their hearts. Because we really don't know them.

Submitting to our leaders means to be humble before them. I don't mean being hypocritical. But I meant that we must be teachable. We must always have the right attitude to accept their teachings. We must be sensitive to the way they do things and support them all the time.

I've been talking about submitting to our leaders. Human beings. There will thus be disappointments because no one is perfect. So we have to manage our expectations of our own leaders. Not just leaders in church, but also leaders at home - our parents. They are all not perfect. Neither are we. So before we get really upset with our leaders, think about yourself. Are you in the same position as them? Are you in the right position to be upset?

Submitting to leaders is only part of our lives. We have to learn to submit to earthly leadership before we can know how to submit to heavenly leadership - God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

If we cant do the steps that I've mentioned above, what makes us think that we are worthy of God's honour? If we can't do what's mentioned above, we can't submit to God in our hearts, minds, spirits and souls. Then we can't think that we are obedient to God when we speak to Him.

So friends, let us learn to submit to our leaders. Let us be conscious of how we treat our leaders, not just in actions, but also in our minds.

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