Tuesday, March 01, 2005


God called me...


yeah.. He did...

went for 3 nights of conference and 4 services last week... was very tired out physically, but spiritually revived...

i gave a lot for offering... about $100 in total... the normal offerings, for our 8000 seater building, for pst kong... i've never given so much within a week just for offerings before in my life... it was overwhelming... every time i give, i asked God for a guitar.. a good plug-in guitar.. i don't know how its going to happen, but i know it is going to happen.. there are many things i want to buy.. but i believe that watever i sow, i will reap...

so i gave.. until the last service (service 6). i was thinking of how much i should give for that service... thinking and asking God in my heart (i want to be a faithful steward) what is the amount i should give... and i heard God said,"no, you don't have to give any money this service." and i was thinking, is it really God?? n so i asked again and again, yet everytime that was the same reply... "no, you don't have to give any money for offering this service." and i felt that there will be another offering at the end of the service and that's the offering God wanted me to give to... and so i obeyed and let the bucket pass by me...

never did i know that the offering at the end of the service did not cost me my money.... it costs me my life...

it was a powerful sermon on God's calling upon our lives..
  1. we are called to salvation.
  2. we are called to holiness.
  3. we are called to fellowship with Christ.
  4. we are called to the body of Christ.
  5. we are called to serve.
  6. we are called to be Christ-like.

pst ulf prayed a prayer something like this at the end of the service,"Lord, we give You our lives as an offering...."

it shook my heart at once... it was like earthquake in my heart... i felt the presence and the glory of God so strong in my life at that moment... it was so strong and tangible no words could express.

then i heard God speaking to me..."i want you to give your life as an offering. this is what is precious to Me. not the money you give."

i cried...

during the last service, pst ulf told us lots of stories about his life. and all are related to his relationship with God. it was wonderful just to listen to his stories... but deep in my heart as i was listening, i was crying out to God that i will be able to have a relationship with Him like the one pst ulf has with Him... it was a deep cry... a very hard cry from the bottom of my heart...

God is faithful... i never expected Him to speak to me so clearly so soon... i sort of anticipated that if i go home and faithfully discipline my body to pray and seek after Him, He'll speak to me and i'll begin to slowly be able to tap into His presence once again...

God moves when u move...

indeed, as we draw near to Him, He'll draw near to us...

i'll never forget this experience... and i know God is real and He still loves me and accepts me no matter what i've done, no matter how bad i am... God uses the most impossible people to do the most impossible things...

QUOTE: Draw near to Him and He'll draw near to you!

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