Thursday, February 21, 2008



I'm so sorry.. It's been more than a month!

Time really flies...

Chinese New Year was very interesting. Everyday was food food food. Haha!
And I found out that since last year, I've put on something like 6 kgs!! How terrible...

So now I'm in the process of losing weight again. Haha! I must be slim enough so that I can wear nicer wedding gowns.

We are doing a sponsorship wedding. Ok.. Partly sponsored by parents lah. Haha! Another half will be sponsored by our friends and relatives.


My friends and relatives will bao ang baos lah.. (red packets)! - You guys and gals know who you are...

Apart from that, we are going to give a very different door gift to all our guests! I shall keep it a secret for now. Also, we are going to have some special programs for our afternoon guests.

Alrighty.. So much for now! Hope I can get some pictures posted up soon!

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