Tuesday, November 21, 2006



Its over! This year's birthday is quite interesting. As promised, here are the pictures of the presents I received so far. More to come!

My VERY first present this year:

I received this on 10 Nov 06. Thanks to M!!!

Next were these (Received on Saturday, 18 Nov 06):

YES!! METROTUNER! Thanks to I and those who chipped in to get this!!

Hohoho!!! Guitar STand!!!! Now my guitar is quietly standing on this stand!

Guitar book...
I was seriously touched on Saturday when I saw these 3 presents... Thank you so much to N250!!!

Sunday 19 Nov 06:

To H: I really like this!!! Thank you!! *muacKS!!*

Today 20 Nov 06:

This is the FIRST CONVERSE product that I own. I've never bear to spend the money to buy any CONVERSE product. So I'm really touched.

Thanks to Z and J!!!

Coming up next...
Presenting gift from W391:

A ZIP...

BAG!!! Haha!! Very interesting item. But I like. Cos its ORANGE in colour!!!

Oh.. And last but not least...

Herbal Tea from I. Thank you I!!! This is Acts of Services. One of my top love languages. Hahaha!! I really didn't expect this.

Oh.. Its empty in this picture cos I drank it!! wahaHahA!!

The Cards from my two cell groups... I love them all!!!

In Conclusion...

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