Friday, October 13, 2006


Birthday Wish-ES

Every this time of the year, I would start thinking about my birthday wish. Below are some which I can think of at this moment. Items are not in order of preference.

1) Good, pro guitar.
2) CDs and more CDs.
3) Books and more books.
4) Financial breakthrough.
5) Career success.
6) Breakthrough in CG and CG members' lives.
7) Meet Mr. Right.
8) I wish that my dreams will come true - Visions turn reality.
9) Lose weight to 52kg.
10) I want to be a woman of God, a woman of faith, a woman who makes a difference.

That's all for now folks!

erm, when is your birthday?

i like your song here, could i have the song title pls?

thanks in advance.

hey #10 you have already are a woman of God!

and if you have #4, you can own #1 to #3...

blessed birthday to u my dearest..
i think i got the title liao.. by listening to the whole song..

yeah... its zhu jun hao. u want the song??
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