Thursday, September 21, 2006




Had some thoughts about this word recently. What I'm going to write below are all what I came out with - FOR FUN.

M - Makes
U - U
S - Sink
I - In
C - Christ


Music makes us sink in Christ! Haha! Cool?

Anyway, God created mUsIc because of U and I. So I want to write music because I'm part of it. And it involves U!

Below is the lyrics of a song which I just wrote 30mins ago.

All these years I have walked a long long way
Sometimes I was weak and I was lost
Then You showed me Your way

Through all the lonely nights when darkness enters my life
You opened both my eyes, drawn me to the sky
Where Your glory unfolds

Now I trust in You
You're my sun, my shield
For on the cross
You've satisfied my soul

Everday You're by my side
Every time when I was sad
Your love will fill my heart
All the fears will go away

Many times I break Your heart
But all my tears You'll hold it in Your hands
Your faithfulness
Nothing can compare

Title? Haven't thought of one.

I've decided to start a new blog, all about music and my thoughts about music. New songs will be uploaded and linked to that blog. It's under construction now, so be patient.

As for the song above, I'll try to record a good one before I put it up on the web. Meanwhile, enjoy the lyrics!

Haha nice acronym there! And nice song too, really like the lyrics!
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