Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Mission Trip to NE Asia
Here are some pictures:

The three missionaries who were thought to be lost in a shopping mall, but in fact they were doing manicure. Brother Zhang paged for them over the PA system. It was embarrassing!

A time of spiritual fellowship with the elders! It was a great experience. They were very hospitable people. Very giving and very generous.

Teaching the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. She's very very anointed. I was very impressed. And more than that, I was very inspired. AWESOME woman!

Very attentive students. They are very humble people, who loves God with their entire being.

Worshipping the Lord. Faithfilled believers. The presence of God was really tangible. Everyday, we were immersed in the strong presence of God. It was awesome. We were all in God's love and power the whole week.

These are the students. They are all very very young. Age ranging from 16 to 23 years old. But all of them has 10 million souls in them. They love God and I can literally feel the love of God flowing out of them.

Last but not least, this is me leading praise on one of the sessions. :D The people are so hungry and open that the moment they start singing, the presence of God comes into the place like a mighty wind.
Can my cell group meetings be like that too?
I'm really blessed! Thank You Jesus!!!

The three missionaries who were thought to be lost in a shopping mall, but in fact they were doing manicure. Brother Zhang paged for them over the PA system. It was embarrassing!

A time of spiritual fellowship with the elders! It was a great experience. They were very hospitable people. Very giving and very generous.

Teaching the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. She's very very anointed. I was very impressed. And more than that, I was very inspired. AWESOME woman!

Very attentive students. They are very humble people, who loves God with their entire being.

Worshipping the Lord. Faithfilled believers. The presence of God was really tangible. Everyday, we were immersed in the strong presence of God. It was awesome. We were all in God's love and power the whole week.

These are the students. They are all very very young. Age ranging from 16 to 23 years old. But all of them has 10 million souls in them. They love God and I can literally feel the love of God flowing out of them.

Last but not least, this is me leading praise on one of the sessions. :D The people are so hungry and open that the moment they start singing, the presence of God comes into the place like a mighty wind.
Can my cell group meetings be like that too?
I'm really blessed! Thank You Jesus!!!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
5 principles for authentic communication
#1: Communication problems are usually heart problems.
Upbringing and personalities are a factor to the way we communicate to others, but the source of our problems isn't ultimately due to those factors. In fact, its due to our own sinful hearts.
Ask God to help you change your heart. Be humble and repent of your pride, so what God can use your mouth in a more powerful way.
#2: Your ears are your most important communicaiton tools.
God gave people two ears and one mouth because he wants us to listen twice as much as we talk. Listening is an expression of humility and genuine concern for others. Care more about the opinions and ideas of others than your own.
#3: Good communication doesn't happen by accident.
Communication doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it. It's something we have to plan for and work at.
#4: The absence of conflict doesn't equal good communication.
Our goal shouldn't be to avoid conflict, but to learn and work through it and resolve it in a way that honours God.
#5: Motive is more important than technique.
It's very important to have a godly motive for our communication. Before we worry about method or technique, we need to make sure the motive of our heart is pleasing to God. He wants our motive to be to sincerely love and serve others - to build up, encourage, and benefit them. Eph 4:29
10 tips on communication
1. Learn to express your feelings and frustrations honestly, but without accusing or attacking the other person (Pro 11:9).
2. Choose words, expressions, and a tone of voice that are kind and gentle. Don't use speech that could easily offend or spark an argument (Pro 15:1).
3. Don't exaggerate, distort, or stretch the truth. Avoid extreme words like never and always (Eph 4:25).
4. Give actual and specific examples. If necessary, make notes before you communicate. Stay away from generalities.
5. Commit yourself to seeking solutions instead of airing your grievances. Getting even isn't the goal - you want to get things resolved (Rom 12:17-21).
6. Listen to what the other person is saying, feeling, and needing. Try to detext his or her underlying concerns (Jas 1:19).
7. Refuse to indulge bitterness, anger, withdrawal, or argument. Though these emotions are normal, indulging them is sin (Eph 4:26).
8. Don't hesitate to acknowledge your own failure, and be quick to forgive the other person. Make sure you don't hold a grudge (Lk 17:3-4).
9. Keep talking and asking questions until you are sure that you both understand clearly what the other is saying and feeling. Encourage each other as you press toward a solution (Rom 14:19).
10. Train your mouth and heart until you can say the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reasons!
Phew! These are adapted from the book, "Boy meets girl" by Joshua Harris. A pretty good book! Hope these help those who are having relationship problems because of communication problems.
Have a great day!
#1: Communication problems are usually heart problems.
Upbringing and personalities are a factor to the way we communicate to others, but the source of our problems isn't ultimately due to those factors. In fact, its due to our own sinful hearts.
Ask God to help you change your heart. Be humble and repent of your pride, so what God can use your mouth in a more powerful way.
#2: Your ears are your most important communicaiton tools.
God gave people two ears and one mouth because he wants us to listen twice as much as we talk. Listening is an expression of humility and genuine concern for others. Care more about the opinions and ideas of others than your own.
#3: Good communication doesn't happen by accident.
Communication doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it. It's something we have to plan for and work at.
#4: The absence of conflict doesn't equal good communication.
Our goal shouldn't be to avoid conflict, but to learn and work through it and resolve it in a way that honours God.
#5: Motive is more important than technique.
It's very important to have a godly motive for our communication. Before we worry about method or technique, we need to make sure the motive of our heart is pleasing to God. He wants our motive to be to sincerely love and serve others - to build up, encourage, and benefit them. Eph 4:29
10 tips on communication
1. Learn to express your feelings and frustrations honestly, but without accusing or attacking the other person (Pro 11:9).
2. Choose words, expressions, and a tone of voice that are kind and gentle. Don't use speech that could easily offend or spark an argument (Pro 15:1).
3. Don't exaggerate, distort, or stretch the truth. Avoid extreme words like never and always (Eph 4:25).
4. Give actual and specific examples. If necessary, make notes before you communicate. Stay away from generalities.
5. Commit yourself to seeking solutions instead of airing your grievances. Getting even isn't the goal - you want to get things resolved (Rom 12:17-21).
6. Listen to what the other person is saying, feeling, and needing. Try to detext his or her underlying concerns (Jas 1:19).
7. Refuse to indulge bitterness, anger, withdrawal, or argument. Though these emotions are normal, indulging them is sin (Eph 4:26).
8. Don't hesitate to acknowledge your own failure, and be quick to forgive the other person. Make sure you don't hold a grudge (Lk 17:3-4).
9. Keep talking and asking questions until you are sure that you both understand clearly what the other is saying and feeling. Encourage each other as you press toward a solution (Rom 14:19).
10. Train your mouth and heart until you can say the right thing at the right time in the right way for the right reasons!
Phew! These are adapted from the book, "Boy meets girl" by Joshua Harris. A pretty good book! Hope these help those who are having relationship problems because of communication problems.
Have a great day!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Isaiah 51 (New Living Translation)
v1: Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined.
- Jesus is your Rock and salvation. As long as Christ is the centre of everything you do, your works will be established.
v2: Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.
- Whatever that God has called and blessed, it will become great.
v3: Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.
- Do not despise small beginnings. We were created from dust and we'll go back to dust. But God will cause our 'deserts' to blossom like the Garden of Eden. It will become glorious and magnificent. And God will bring joy and gladness into our hearts. We'll continue to praise and worship the name of Jesus.
v7: Listen to me, you who know right from wrong, you who cherish my law in your hearts. Do not be afraid of people's scorn, nor fear their insults.
- Whoever cherished the Words of God knows what's right and what's wrong. Do not be afraid of how people will say or think about you. Know who you are in Christ.
v8: But my righteousness will last forever. My salvation will continue from generation to generation.
- Focus on God because God will bring salvation to every situation in your life. He can do it once, He can do it again and again. God is your righteousness.
v 10: Are you not the same today, the one who dried up the sea, making a path of escape through the depths so that your people could cross over?
- God is the same God today, who brought Israel out of Egypt and performed miracles. He can perform miracles in exodus, He can perform miracles in your life today. He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
-Crossing over. Before great things can happen in our lives, we need to cross over the hurdle. Hurdle of pains, hurdle of disappontments, hurdle of doubts and uncertainties, hurdle of bad habits and the hurdle of complacency. Before we can reach our promised land, we need to cross over the deep unknown and then cross over to the unknown. Be courageous and trust in the LORD!
v 12: I, yes I, am the one who comforts you. So why are you afraid of mere humans, who wither like the grass and disappear?
- Things of this world will come to nothing. God is your comforter and strength. Worldly wisdom is no wisdom because it does not last.
v13: Yet you have forgotten the LORD, your Creator, the One who stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth.
- Remember the LORD God. He's omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. He created you and your life is built upon Him.
v16: And I have put My words in your mouth and hidden you safely in My hand.
- God puts passion into you. He's the one who fans the flame within you. He's the one who'll keep you safely in His arms. As long as God is the ONLY in your life.
v22: This is what the sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says...
- God is sovereign. He reigns over your life. He reigns over your body, soul and spirit. He reigns over your mind and your emotions.
- God is your defender. Jesus is your Advocate. He fights every case for you.
God LOVES you!
- Jesus is your Rock and salvation. As long as Christ is the centre of everything you do, your works will be established.
v2: Abraham was only one man when I called him. But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.
- Whatever that God has called and blessed, it will become great.
v3: Her desert will blossom like Eden, her barren wilderness like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air.
- Do not despise small beginnings. We were created from dust and we'll go back to dust. But God will cause our 'deserts' to blossom like the Garden of Eden. It will become glorious and magnificent. And God will bring joy and gladness into our hearts. We'll continue to praise and worship the name of Jesus.
v7: Listen to me, you who know right from wrong, you who cherish my law in your hearts. Do not be afraid of people's scorn, nor fear their insults.
- Whoever cherished the Words of God knows what's right and what's wrong. Do not be afraid of how people will say or think about you. Know who you are in Christ.
v8: But my righteousness will last forever. My salvation will continue from generation to generation.
- Focus on God because God will bring salvation to every situation in your life. He can do it once, He can do it again and again. God is your righteousness.
v 10: Are you not the same today, the one who dried up the sea, making a path of escape through the depths so that your people could cross over?
- God is the same God today, who brought Israel out of Egypt and performed miracles. He can perform miracles in exodus, He can perform miracles in your life today. He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
-Crossing over. Before great things can happen in our lives, we need to cross over the hurdle. Hurdle of pains, hurdle of disappontments, hurdle of doubts and uncertainties, hurdle of bad habits and the hurdle of complacency. Before we can reach our promised land, we need to cross over the deep unknown and then cross over to the unknown. Be courageous and trust in the LORD!
v 12: I, yes I, am the one who comforts you. So why are you afraid of mere humans, who wither like the grass and disappear?
- Things of this world will come to nothing. God is your comforter and strength. Worldly wisdom is no wisdom because it does not last.
v13: Yet you have forgotten the LORD, your Creator, the One who stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth.
- Remember the LORD God. He's omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. He created you and your life is built upon Him.
v16: And I have put My words in your mouth and hidden you safely in My hand.
- God puts passion into you. He's the one who fans the flame within you. He's the one who'll keep you safely in His arms. As long as God is the ONLY in your life.
v22: This is what the sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says...
- God is sovereign. He reigns over your life. He reigns over your body, soul and spirit. He reigns over your mind and your emotions.
- God is your defender. Jesus is your Advocate. He fights every case for you.
God LOVES you!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
感谢神把Pst Phil Pringle带到我们教会来。今天我的灵又被圣灵充满了。祷告是非常重要的。一定要祷告,才能进入神的应许之地。
感谢神把Pst Phil Pringle带到我们教会来。今天我的灵又被圣灵充满了。祷告是非常重要的。一定要祷告,才能进入神的应许之地。
Thursday, May 11, 2006
告诉我, 我该怎么做?
告诉我, 我该怎么做?
Friday, May 05, 2006
Sowing and Reaping
Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Today, my student's mum gave me a book. Its the chinese version of "Purpose driven life" by Rick Warren. I was actually pretty surprised.
Then it just dawned on me that I've been receiving books and blessings from people frequently recently. I believe all these blessings come because of what I sowed throughout the years.
Previously when I was assigned to give bible study to new members, I would buy the workbook for them. Because I think that $10 for a workbook like those is a bit expensive. So I just blessed them with it. I've been receiving a lot of books back.
Last year, Jianfeng went to Korea and bought a korean bible and a korean magazine for me. John blessed me with two business related book, and now, just when I was tempted to buy "Purpose-driven life" English version yesterday, my student's mum blessed me with a chinese version. Really thank God for it!
So friends, indeed you reap what you sow. If you sow books, you reap books. If you sow your time, you reap time from others. If you sow finances into the kingdom of God, I believe that God will not shortchange you, but return your blessings a hundredfold.
That's about it I wanna share today.
QUOTE: Keep on keeping on. Be a faithful steward!
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
Today, my student's mum gave me a book. Its the chinese version of "Purpose driven life" by Rick Warren. I was actually pretty surprised.
Then it just dawned on me that I've been receiving books and blessings from people frequently recently. I believe all these blessings come because of what I sowed throughout the years.
Previously when I was assigned to give bible study to new members, I would buy the workbook for them. Because I think that $10 for a workbook like those is a bit expensive. So I just blessed them with it. I've been receiving a lot of books back.
Last year, Jianfeng went to Korea and bought a korean bible and a korean magazine for me. John blessed me with two business related book, and now, just when I was tempted to buy "Purpose-driven life" English version yesterday, my student's mum blessed me with a chinese version. Really thank God for it!
So friends, indeed you reap what you sow. If you sow books, you reap books. If you sow your time, you reap time from others. If you sow finances into the kingdom of God, I believe that God will not shortchange you, but return your blessings a hundredfold.
That's about it I wanna share today.
QUOTE: Keep on keeping on. Be a faithful steward!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Love language
The Five Love Languages
My primary love languages are probablyActs of Service and Quality Time.
Complete set of results
Acts of Service: | 8 | |
Quality Time: | 8 | |
Receiving Gifts: | 7 | |
Words of Affirmation: | 4 | |
Physical Touch: | 3 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.Take the quiz
Yes. Above is the result of the test I took.
During a cell group some weeks ago, I said my love language is receiving gifts. After doing this test, I realise that its actually acts of services. Of course receiving gifts is not too far away from the top.
If my boyfriend always give me gifts, I'll think that its a waste of money. I'd rather him do practical things for me more often than giving me gifts. But then again, I must receive a gift with a cake and a card during my birthday. No cake/card/present on a birthday is no birthday at all. The best is give me chocolate cake (please, not those manufactured in the toilet).
So what's your love language? Take the test and let me know!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Freedom through the blood of Christ!
God is my deliverer! I'm totally set free now! And breakthrough is on its way! Hallelujah!!!
Today marks the end of my pharmacy education. And the best way to celebrate this special occasion is to attend PRAYER MEETING!!!
Jesus is so good. He's with me throughout. And He'll still be with me until He comes back on earth. Even so, He'll still be by my side (since He's already on earth).
I want to thank a few people who have been (still is) significant to me in my life:
1) Huiling - For being so patient with me in the past, tolerating all my nonsense and still loving me so much.
2) Jiahui - For being a great friend (still is).
3) Jingjing - For always listening to my recordings and bearing with my sometimes out-of-tune voice. And also listening to my complains about pharmacy practice 3.
4) Judy - For always encouraging me to study and finish the race.
5) Jenny - For always being so kind to feed me with nice little cookies.
6) Ivan - For always inspiring me to move on and research more on guitar and playing techniques. Also for praying for me throughout my exams.
7) Yuying - For her faithfulness to bug me for BS and her desire to grow more in God. Really made me feel very touched.
8) Yaqi - For chatting with me online and sometimes play games with me. For sharing the same thoughts with me and the same passion for Jesus.
9) My family members - For loving me the way I am and bearing with all my nonsenses.
Last but not least
10) God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - You have seen me through these years and helped me through all the tough times. I wouldn't know what I'd become if not for You. Thank You so much. I love You!
God is my deliverer! I'm totally set free now! And breakthrough is on its way! Hallelujah!!!
Today marks the end of my pharmacy education. And the best way to celebrate this special occasion is to attend PRAYER MEETING!!!
Jesus is so good. He's with me throughout. And He'll still be with me until He comes back on earth. Even so, He'll still be by my side (since He's already on earth).
I want to thank a few people who have been (still is) significant to me in my life:
1) Huiling - For being so patient with me in the past, tolerating all my nonsense and still loving me so much.
2) Jiahui - For being a great friend (still is).
3) Jingjing - For always listening to my recordings and bearing with my sometimes out-of-tune voice. And also listening to my complains about pharmacy practice 3.
4) Judy - For always encouraging me to study and finish the race.
5) Jenny - For always being so kind to feed me with nice little cookies.
6) Ivan - For always inspiring me to move on and research more on guitar and playing techniques. Also for praying for me throughout my exams.
7) Yuying - For her faithfulness to bug me for BS and her desire to grow more in God. Really made me feel very touched.
8) Yaqi - For chatting with me online and sometimes play games with me. For sharing the same thoughts with me and the same passion for Jesus.
9) My family members - For loving me the way I am and bearing with all my nonsenses.
Last but not least
10) God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - You have seen me through these years and helped me through all the tough times. I wouldn't know what I'd become if not for You. Thank You so much. I love You!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Labour Day
TOMORROW IS MY LAST PAPER!!!! After which I'll be graduating in JULY!!!!
I'm so touched just by thinking of that. Its really long awaited.
As many of you know, I really don't like Pharmacy. I'm not sure why. But I still thank God for putting me in there to mould me and show me His will. Its amazing how God can work in a person's life. Many ups and downs throughout these 4 years. One of the worst periods, but also happiest period in my life.
Worst because pharmacy is just not my cup of tea. I dread it. Also, all the unhappy things happened during this period of my life.
Happiest period because I'm drawn much closer to God and I've grown a lot more mature in God. Many setbacks throughout these 4 years made me a better person and a stronger person. God is amazing. If you really want to know, ask my closer friends. They know what I went through.
So I'm just glad that I'm going to leave pharmacy and never to touch it again.
Today, is a public holiday and I invited a new found friend to come to my house for lunch. My family is not in Singapore and only Jingjing and I are in the house. Oh, I didn't cook. My new found friend, Carmen did. She's a wonderful! She can cook, she can sing, she can play piano, she can play guitar and she can tell stories.
AMAZING right???
So she cooked lunch and dinner for me. I'm totally not paiseh about it. And I totally enjoyed the fellowship. Haha!!!
God is a good God. I really think He's amazing cos He can bring two crappy people together to COOK!
What do you think of God?
TOMORROW IS MY LAST PAPER!!!! After which I'll be graduating in JULY!!!!
I'm so touched just by thinking of that. Its really long awaited.
As many of you know, I really don't like Pharmacy. I'm not sure why. But I still thank God for putting me in there to mould me and show me His will. Its amazing how God can work in a person's life. Many ups and downs throughout these 4 years. One of the worst periods, but also happiest period in my life.
Worst because pharmacy is just not my cup of tea. I dread it. Also, all the unhappy things happened during this period of my life.
Happiest period because I'm drawn much closer to God and I've grown a lot more mature in God. Many setbacks throughout these 4 years made me a better person and a stronger person. God is amazing. If you really want to know, ask my closer friends. They know what I went through.
So I'm just glad that I'm going to leave pharmacy and never to touch it again.
Today, is a public holiday and I invited a new found friend to come to my house for lunch. My family is not in Singapore and only Jingjing and I are in the house. Oh, I didn't cook. My new found friend, Carmen did. She's a wonderful! She can cook, she can sing, she can play piano, she can play guitar and she can tell stories.
AMAZING right???
So she cooked lunch and dinner for me. I'm totally not paiseh about it. And I totally enjoyed the fellowship. Haha!!!
God is a good God. I really think He's amazing cos He can bring two crappy people together to COOK!
What do you think of God?