Sunday, October 29, 2006
Love Language
Once again, someone has helped confirmed that my top love language is RECEIVING OF GIFTS.
I feel so loved and touched when I received the gift from this person. (I shall not disclose the initial of this person because it should be highly confidential.)
Many times, when someone offer to buy me something (a book etc.), I would feel like I deserve it. Having said that, I don't think its because I deserve that gift. But when it happens to me, i.e. someone giving me a gift, I would be very happy and glad on the inside. More than words of affirmation or physical touch or quality time.
Of course, my next love language is ACTS OF SERVICES. Haha!!!
So thanks to KM for taking these pictures for me!

From left to right: Andrew Naylor, Me!, David Holmes
I feel so loved and touched when I received the gift from this person. (I shall not disclose the initial of this person because it should be highly confidential.)
Many times, when someone offer to buy me something (a book etc.), I would feel like I deserve it. Having said that, I don't think its because I deserve that gift. But when it happens to me, i.e. someone giving me a gift, I would be very happy and glad on the inside. More than words of affirmation or physical touch or quality time.
Of course, my next love language is ACTS OF SERVICES. Haha!!!
So thanks to KM for taking these pictures for me!

From left to right: Andrew Naylor, Me!, David Holmes
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
For my Friends and for N250
I've been thinking what presents I want to receive this year for my birthday. Specific ones! Haha!!!
1) a Guitar stand from N250 (I think it doesnt cost more than $30.)
2) TouchPoints for Women (from anybody who wanna bless me with a book)
3) any book on guitar/keyboard (pop)/bass guitar/song writing (from anybody who wanna bless me with something more expensive.)
4) Amplified Bible (No need to expensive one. As long as the words are big enough to read!)
5) Metronome (Mine is faulty. Got light, but no sound. Very sad cos I used it a few times only... Anybody knows how to fix it?)
6) Guitar scale book (or something like that.)
Haha!! That's about it!
P/s: Items in bold are taken!
p/s: I'm hopeful for the additionals.
1) a Guitar stand from N250 (I think it doesnt cost more than $30.)
2) TouchPoints for Women (from anybody who wanna bless me with a book)
3) any book on guitar/keyboard (pop)/bass guitar/song writing (from anybody who wanna bless me with something more expensive.)
4) Amplified Bible (No need to expensive one. As long as the words are big enough to read!)
5) Metronome (Mine is faulty. Got light, but no sound. Very sad cos I used it a few times only... Anybody knows how to fix it?)
6) Guitar scale book (or something like that.)
Haha!! That's about it!
P/s: Items in bold are taken!
p/s: I'm hopeful for the additionals.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Building Fund First Fruits Weekend is just two weeks away. But God has shown Himself GOOD.
I didn't know if I can fulfill the amount that I would be pledging in this coming building fund. As many of you know, I'm going to embark on a business journey. But until now, nothing is really as solid yet. I'm still believing God for a breakthrough.
At the meantime, God is just constantly encouraging me with opportunities He's open for me. Last Monday and Tuesday was the semi-finals for a Talenttime competition in Singapore Poly. I was supposed to supervise two students who were called to do promotion and marketing. I knew there was going to be commission, but I didn't think so much. I only wanted to provide good customer service to the students there.
It was amazing because, being someone who's not very gifted in doing sales, I managed to get the most contacts for our promotion. Thank God for that! I pray that all the contacts I got would eventually sign up for our courses and that I'll be assigned to teach some of them.
After that, it just happened that I'm being asked to teach some students temporarily. This means more students and more income. There are not just one, but a few of them. They were originally my boss' students. So it is good.
Today, there was a grouping session, where some students will attend and exchange ideas with regards to singing. I was a little reluctant to go at first, but in the end I went, though I was pretty late. In any case, something cropped up before the session, that's why I was late. Anyway, thank God I went. I learnt quite a lot. And I earned another 2hrs. God is a good God!
These are just small little "treats" that God is giving. I believe more will come. I know that God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can think or ask!
I didn't know if I can fulfill the amount that I would be pledging in this coming building fund. As many of you know, I'm going to embark on a business journey. But until now, nothing is really as solid yet. I'm still believing God for a breakthrough.
At the meantime, God is just constantly encouraging me with opportunities He's open for me. Last Monday and Tuesday was the semi-finals for a Talenttime competition in Singapore Poly. I was supposed to supervise two students who were called to do promotion and marketing. I knew there was going to be commission, but I didn't think so much. I only wanted to provide good customer service to the students there.
It was amazing because, being someone who's not very gifted in doing sales, I managed to get the most contacts for our promotion. Thank God for that! I pray that all the contacts I got would eventually sign up for our courses and that I'll be assigned to teach some of them.
After that, it just happened that I'm being asked to teach some students temporarily. This means more students and more income. There are not just one, but a few of them. They were originally my boss' students. So it is good.
Today, there was a grouping session, where some students will attend and exchange ideas with regards to singing. I was a little reluctant to go at first, but in the end I went, though I was pretty late. In any case, something cropped up before the session, that's why I was late. Anyway, thank God I went. I learnt quite a lot. And I earned another 2hrs. God is a good God!
These are just small little "treats" that God is giving. I believe more will come. I know that God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can think or ask!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
God is Good!
Thank God for the many things that happened for the past few weeks. I believe that that's the end of the storm for this season. Things will get better and things will be great~!
Thank God for J & J. They make a great couple! And if not for J's decision and J's open-mindedness, many of us will still be stuck in a legalistic mindset. I think what they did just broke all religious walls. What was gained out of it were love and acceptance.
And I wanna thank J for sharing so openly. I'm seriously very honoured to know most of the details first hand. Not to boast about anything, but I'm just glad that I can be there when someone needs a listening ear. More than that, I've learnt to do things the God-way instead of the My-way.
Thank God also for J & P. I sincerely give them my blessings. They are after all my cell group members and I must say I do love them with the love of God. Despite all the imperfections that all of us may have, they are really good brother and sister in Christ. Always there to help, always there to join in the crowd. Without them, N250 would be less exciting. I pray that they will be greatly blessed in their marriage.
God is still a good God!
Thank God for J & J. They make a great couple! And if not for J's decision and J's open-mindedness, many of us will still be stuck in a legalistic mindset. I think what they did just broke all religious walls. What was gained out of it were love and acceptance.
And I wanna thank J for sharing so openly. I'm seriously very honoured to know most of the details first hand. Not to boast about anything, but I'm just glad that I can be there when someone needs a listening ear. More than that, I've learnt to do things the God-way instead of the My-way.
Thank God also for J & P. I sincerely give them my blessings. They are after all my cell group members and I must say I do love them with the love of God. Despite all the imperfections that all of us may have, they are really good brother and sister in Christ. Always there to help, always there to join in the crowd. Without them, N250 would be less exciting. I pray that they will be greatly blessed in their marriage.
God is still a good God!
(From Touchpoint for Leaders)
What is the basis for my acceptance as a leader?
Mt 3:16-17
After His baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on Him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with Him."
Rom 5:1-2
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.
Jesus was blessed and accepted by God because of who He was, not because of what He did. Many leaders assume that performance is the means to acceptance. They are driven to earn respect from others, to impress others, to gain the applaise and approval of others. This can easily transfer over to their relationship with God - thinking they have to earn His love and acceptance, too. But you are accepted by grace, not because of performance. God accepts you from the start, before you have accomplised great things.
What is the basis for me to accept others?
Rom 15:7
So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified.
1 Sam 22:2
Then others began coming - men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented - until David was the leader of about four hundred men.
Leaders have a great deal of influence on how others are treated. Leaders should use that influence positively to accept others for who they are as people. Welcome others in the Spirit of Christ, not because of position, prestige, power, or personal gain that may come your way. David modeled this acceptance of others as he was fleeing from Saul. As a developing leader, David learned that it wasn't simply a matter of getting the best people, but of bringing out the best in the people God brought to him.
Promise from God:
Rom 8:39
Nothing ... will ever be able to seaprate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What is the basis for my acceptance as a leader?
Mt 3:16-17
After His baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on Him. And a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with Him."
Rom 5:1-2
Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.
Jesus was blessed and accepted by God because of who He was, not because of what He did. Many leaders assume that performance is the means to acceptance. They are driven to earn respect from others, to impress others, to gain the applaise and approval of others. This can easily transfer over to their relationship with God - thinking they have to earn His love and acceptance, too. But you are accepted by grace, not because of performance. God accepts you from the start, before you have accomplised great things.
What is the basis for me to accept others?
Rom 15:7
So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified.
1 Sam 22:2
Then others began coming - men who were in trouble or in debt or who were just discontented - until David was the leader of about four hundred men.
Leaders have a great deal of influence on how others are treated. Leaders should use that influence positively to accept others for who they are as people. Welcome others in the Spirit of Christ, not because of position, prestige, power, or personal gain that may come your way. David modeled this acceptance of others as he was fleeing from Saul. As a developing leader, David learned that it wasn't simply a matter of getting the best people, but of bringing out the best in the people God brought to him.
Promise from God:
Rom 8:39
Nothing ... will ever be able to seaprate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Birthday Wish-ES
Every this time of the year, I would start thinking about my birthday wish. Below are some which I can think of at this moment. Items are not in order of preference.
1) Good, pro guitar.
2) CDs and more CDs.
3) Books and more books.
4) Financial breakthrough.
5) Career success.
6) Breakthrough in CG and CG members' lives.
7) Meet Mr. Right.
8) I wish that my dreams will come true - Visions turn reality.
9) Lose weight to 52kg.
10) I want to be a woman of God, a woman of faith, a woman who makes a difference.
That's all for now folks!
1) Good, pro guitar.
2) CDs and more CDs.
3) Books and more books.
4) Financial breakthrough.
5) Career success.
6) Breakthrough in CG and CG members' lives.
7) Meet Mr. Right.
8) I wish that my dreams will come true - Visions turn reality.
9) Lose weight to 52kg.
10) I want to be a woman of God, a woman of faith, a woman who makes a difference.
That's all for now folks!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I love my cell group.
And I love my cell group members.
I believe my cell group will become a great cell group.
And I believer that my cell group members will become great people of God.
God will make it happen.
He will use me to make it happen.
I will make it happen.
I will get UP and get OVER everything!
Eze 22:30
So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.
Let me be the person. I pray.
And I love my cell group members.
I believe my cell group will become a great cell group.
And I believer that my cell group members will become great people of God.
God will make it happen.
He will use me to make it happen.
I will make it happen.
I will get UP and get OVER everything!
Eze 22:30
So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.
Let me be the person. I pray.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Bible Study
"The key to successful ministry and leadership is discerning the Holy Spirit at work. Every leader must pray for this gift. Because without it, you may end up just religiously conducting a meeting instead of flowing with God in whatever He wants to do in that meeting. Sometimes, while the Holy Spirit is flowing, human flesh may try to get in the way. That is why we need even greater sensitivity on those occasions."
I need that.
Today we had practice. So we were supposed to sense in the spirit and speak a word of wisdom/knowledge/sense the human spirit.
At the end of it, I felt that whatever I spoke is regarding myself. I wasn't really sensitive. It was a humbling process.
John 3:27
John answered and said,"A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven."
Seek God.
John 3:30
"He must increase, but I must decrease."
That's what it is.
Yielding to my Lord.
I need that.
Today we had practice. So we were supposed to sense in the spirit and speak a word of wisdom/knowledge/sense the human spirit.
At the end of it, I felt that whatever I spoke is regarding myself. I wasn't really sensitive. It was a humbling process.
John 3:27
John answered and said,"A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven."
Seek God.
John 3:30
"He must increase, but I must decrease."
That's what it is.
Yielding to my Lord.