Friday, January 27, 2006



Here are two parts which I read in Pst Ulf's book.

"Let those who has ears to hear, hear!"

The Flesh always Excuses itself

King Saul was a man who never dealt with his flesh and this decision negatively affected his whole life. When the anointing came upon him, the Bible says he became another man. But tragically, he changed through the anointing on him, but he did not change as a result of God's work in him. His mind remained full of disobedience, self-pity and self-deception and he was careful never to be too radical.

Saul was anointed and called -- but he was not ready. He never seriously came to grips with the rebellion in his life, and this gradually manifested itself. Carnality inevitably results in disobedience and denial. It strives to enjoy God's benefits, without sacrifice and obedience.

In 1 Samuel 15 God commanded Saul to put all the Amalekites to the sword and utterly destroy their sheep and cattle. Though he heard God's orger, he still spared everything of value, including the life of the king himself.

Later, the prophet Samuel entered the camp and enquired, "What then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear?" (1 Sam 15:14). Samuel heard signs of life, although everything should have been dead. He heard more than the bleating of sheep and the lowing of cattle. He heard the clamour of an unbent ego.

But Saul countered with a religious excuse,"Yes, but I have saved the very best to sacrifice to the Lord!" In an effort to preserve the flesh, he started to defend his actions. We do the same and we deceive ourselves. We often lie without even realizing it. We lose our sense of discernment and we no longer see clearly.


Turn from Dead Works

Many people, Christians included, become extremely happy when something especially nice happens. It could be a new car, or some well-deserved praise or an encouraging phrophecy. But the next second, we are as dejected and downcast as we were before. We feel that nothing is going well, we feel isolated and we have no peace.

In his third letter, John writes, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers" (3 John 2). Your soul can get along well despite imperfect circumstances. Circumstances never will be perfect. You can live a life of abundance from heaven despite trying circumstances. Your flesh always focuses on circumstances because it wants to be self-reliant instead of trusting God. Such a lifestyle invariable leads to disappointment and failure because it is based on the wrong foundation.

Do not build your life based on what you see, fee, hear or taste for the moment. Your foundation must be in the living God, not in circumstances. Turn from dead works and believe in Him. Dead works can be both works that produce death, and those which originate in dead thoughts, that is to say, thoughts that so not originate with God. There may be nothing especially wrong with these thoughts and actions but they are things that God has not asked us to do. They highlight the flesh's need to be in the centre.

When you turn to God and trust in Him, circumstrances will matter less because you walk by faith and not by sight. Faith only works when you submit to Gd and turn in trust to Him. The flesh demands to first know all the answers - Who? Where? How? When? and then it might take a step -- by sight. But when you have faith, you know that things will work out, not because circumstances seem to be getting sorted out, but because you know what God has said. You do not need to help God get you to the place He wants you to be, just trust He will get you there, instead.

The carnal mind is more sophisticated than we care to admit. It loves to plan and manoeuvre you into a position where you believe you have full control over everything, so you do not need to stand in faith and trust in God. You have a calling, and because you do, the flesh is sure to figure out how you can realize it, which people to contact and the most effective moves to make.

God does not want us to operate on two levels at the same time: one where we long to see our calling from God fulfilled and another where we manoeuvre and calculate and "help" God to fulfil it. This mix of soul and spirit will lead to ruin, and God does not want that for you.


I just want to tell this person that whatever happened in the week is not by coincidence. Nor is it caused by anybody. Its God's plan for you, so that you become a person God wants you to be. Take these two passages with humility. Turn away from dead works and allow the spirit to take over your mind and soul. I may not know your side of the story. But at the same time, you may not really know another person's side of the story. There's nothing which is absolute. That person or persons may be in the wrong, but you may not be in the right.

Only God's word will lead us into the light. If you are at a stagnant position, it is a warning sign that something in you must change. If you are moving backwards, it is important that you do something immediately. Promotion and demotion comes from God. Not men.

If what I just said is frustrating you, we all know something is wrong. Not with the things that happened, but with the person involved. Changes will only get to where God wants you to be. Check your heart. What seems correct may not be what God wants you to do. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Know God's heart. And its all about God and you. Nobody else.

I pray that through this you won't just have learnt something. But your mindset and attitude will change and your life will be transformed.

Lets move on in God in this 2006!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Tuesday Service

Yes. Tuesday service made me feel that its already weekend.

Well, it was an interesting service 'cos of the chinese new year songs. Before service at expo, I helped the choir to form a choir for a special CNY service for the youths.

Praise God even though there were only something like 28 choir members on a 60-strong stage. The presence of God was strong during the worship. I didn't regret skipping pharmacotherapy to serve God at such a time. Its a joy to serve Him in worship!

Anyway, during service at expo, I saw someone on the big LCD screen. Then I thought my heart skipped a beat. But nothing happened next. Haha!!! And service carried on as usual. Surprisingly, I wasn't sleepy at all. And I was really listening to Pst Kong attentively.

Talk about the message. Pst preached a message that incorporated many other sermons that he preached before. From glory to glory! To be understanding and accepting. I think I still need to work on that.

So at the end of the service, I waited with my sister-in-law for my brother to finish his leaders' meeting. It was fun fellowshipping at the little table. Many friends passed by me. Chatted with some of them and I really enjoyed catching up with these people. They are God's gift to me!

At the end, my brother finally came out. I heaved a sigh of relief ('Cos I haven't started doing my practical report that I have to hand in the next day. It was already past my sleeping time!). Praise God that I finally can go home! Haha!!!

For all I know, I really didn't expect that the next person I saw (after my brother) was someone. I was stunned and didn't know what to say. Haha! In the end I just waved and smiled. Then carried on in my direction. I didn't even dare to say "Byebye!" Argh!!

Stop guessing who that is 'cos I won't tell a soul. I blogged it because I thought it was kind of interesting. And I don't see this person often. We never said more than 10 sentences everytime we meet each other. We are always in a rush to go somewhere or do something. Only smses once in a while. I don't even see this person online anymore.

Haha!!! Let God decide my future k? See what God will do next.

Enjoy your Chinese New Year!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Valentine's Day


This is only the beginning. Now then I feel that 2006 has started! I guess its because I've written down my new year's resolution today! So I feel that its a new start!

Anyway, I'm in the mood for love! Haha! Don't get me wrong! This is a year of preparation. This is also a year full of love. A year to allow God's love to fill me everyday of my life. A year to allow God's love to flow out of my every day of my life.

That explains the title?

Haha!! My valentine this year is ...........................................

Have a great 2006 folks!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Song on my blog

Hey hey hey!

Long time no hear from me right?! Wahaha!!

'Cos I've been really busy!

I remembered I made a resolution last year November (or somewhere around that time) that I got to write two songs from then till the end of December. Guess what?! Thanks to Deborah! I did it! Even though the second song was written in a rush, I thought it was a pretty nice one with some touch up and editing. So the next thing I must do is to make time for this song. Then I can send it in for vetting and hopefully for demo recording. PRAY!!!

2006 is indeed a new and exciting year. Nope! Not because I'm going SOT. The fact is that I'm not going SOT anymore. I need to be focused. This is a year of focus for me. This is a year where I would have to cross many hurdles before God can release me into ministry. Well, at least that's what God has impressed in my heart. I believe that if God has revealed that to me, it means that He'll be faithful enough to bring it to pass and bring me through it. :D

That's the joy of my salvation and the joy of serving Him and the joy of bearing the cross for Jesus.

Anyway, I wanted to talk about the song on my blog.

Guess who sang it?

Yes! Its the impressive Kelly Poon! Our Singapore first female project superstar!

Oh I heard this song the first time during Xin Qing Rong Ji competition two years ago (I think so lah). I was captivated the moment I heard this song. Yes, CAPTIVATED with caps and bold and underlined. I knew it would win something (it got 3rd prize). And seriously, I was really impressed by the girl who sang it. Still very impressed by her now.

And the person who played the piano is actually my JC classmate, Michelle. I'm also still very impressed by her. Her piano skills - SUPERB! She inspired me to go learn piano. Haha... But I was a "half filled with water pail"... 3 Minutes passion... San fen zhong re du in mandarin. That's means I gave up halfway lah. Haha!!

Anyway, I really wonder how's Michelle now. I made a mess out of everything when I tried to reach out to her. Sigh... It's probably God's way of teaching me. Its such a long story that I can't even remember what happened at that time. I got short term memory. ;)

There's so many things I wanna say, but if I type them all in this entry, then the flow is not there liao. So I decided not to blog it. Haha! Talk to me if you wanna know!


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